-0.60 (-4.88%)

In 1991, H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great graciously named the national communication satellite program “Thaicom”. Thaicom stands for “Thai Communications”, as a symbol of the linkage between Thailand and modern communications technology.

Thirty years later, Thaicom has developed into a leading Asian satellite operator. Our satellite business is built on excellence in service quality and innovation. Our future business roadmap is committed to innovation and sustainability.

7 November
Shinawatra Satellite is established
The Company is granted a 30-year communication satellite operating license by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
18 December
First Flight
Thaicom 1 is successfully launched. The company’s first satellite carries 12 C-band transponders covering Southeast and East Asia, serving the region’s broadcast industry from its 78.5° east orbital position.
18 January
Going Public
The Company announces its IPO and is listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and officially traded under the symbol “SATTEL”.
8 October
Thaicom 2 Launch Success
Thaicom 2 is successfully launched. From its 78.5° east orbital position, the satellite provides broadcast services over Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan and the east coast of China via its 12 C-band and 3 Ku-band transponders.
Innovation at its Heart
The company is the first operator in Asia to offer Ku-band, Direct-to-Home (DTH) broadcasting, and the world’s first operator to employ MPEG-2 DVB compression standard.
16 April
Hotspot Platform over South Asia
Thaicom 3 is launched and is co-located with Thaicom 1 and 2. Together they establish the company’s prime video channel neighborhood at 78.5° east.
Pioneering Satellite Internet
The Company embarks on the pioneering IPSTAR project. IPSTAR is a new generation of Internet Protocol (IP) satellite that supports telecommunications via Internet Protocol (IP). The High Throughput Satellite (HTS) is to provide broadband connectivity in rural areas of Asia-Pacific without access to terrestrial infrastructure.
On a Mission to Save Lives
The company provides communications during Tsunami rescue & relief operations in Southern Thailand.
11 August
Pioneering High Throughput Satellite (HTS)
With IPSTAR (Thaicom 4), the company successfully launches the world’s first high throughput satellite (HTS). In the years to come IPSTAR will connect hundreds of thousands of users in underserved and unserved areas across Asia Pacific to broadband Internet.
27 May
Thaicom 5 Launched
Thaicom 5 is positioned at 78.5° east longitude position for operational service. Its regional beams with high-powered Ku-band and C-band payloads provide broadcast and media services over Southeast Asia. Global beam coverage on Thaicom 5 spans over four continents and can service users in South Asia, Europe, Australia and Africa. The same year, Thaicom 5 replaces the Thaicom 3 satellite.
10 April
A Brand New Name
The company is renamed to Thaicom Public Company Limited (SET symbol: THCOM).
28 May
Great Sichuan Earthquake Disaster Mission
Thaicom joins the disaster recovery mission in earthquake struck Sichuan province, China. Within hours after the tragic event, IPSTAR user terminals were deployed to provide broadband Internet connectivity in support of the recovery mission.
11 March
Restoring Communication Networks in Tsunami Hit Japan
IPSTAR provides backhaul for mobile phone and Internet services in emergency shelters,
schools and community centers. Cellular backhaul over broadband satellite proved to be
effective in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011.
06 May
Big in Down-Under
Thaicom subsidiary, IPSTAR Australia Pty Ltd (IPA), signs a contract with NBN Company Limited
(NBN Co) for Australia’s National Broadband Network’s Interim Satellite Service. The contract
represents a major breakthrough for the IPSTAR broadband satellite system—IPA is going to
provide cost-effective broadband connectivity to unserved and underserved areas in Australia.
6 January
Hello Africa!
Thaicom successfully launches Thaicom 6. From its orbital position at 78.5° east, the satellite’s high-powered C-band and Ku-band payloads provide broadcast and data services over Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The satellite's African payload is marketed under Africom-1.
7 September
Thaicom 7 Launched
From its orbital slot at 120° east, the satellite provides a full range of media and data services tailored to the communication needs of the entertainment industry and telecom operators in Asia.
28 May
Enlarged Footprint for Asia’s Broadcasting Industry
Thaicom 8 successfully launched into orbit on a Falcon 9 rocket by SpaceX from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. The satellite is to enlarge the company’s footprint over high growth Asia markets where it will strengthen Thaicom’s video channel neighborhood at the 78.5° east longitude position.
Full Steam Ahead!
Thaicom establishes Nava®—a maritime broadband service platform designed for ship and offshore operators in Asia to connect everyone and everything at sea. With the launch of Nava, Thaicom is expanding its broadband service platform to support the maritime industry’s digital transformation. Nava helps the maritime industry to meet the increasing data demand at sea, enables efficient vessel operations, and connects crew and passengers to high-speed internet anywhere and anytime.