People & Society
Our sustainable business model helps us to remain competitive while maintaining a focus on the development of people and society. Our people are our most valuable asset. We therefore never grow tired to promote the safety, education and well-being of our employees through various programs.
At the same time, we combine the latest satellite communication technologies with our high levels of expertise to create equal opportunities and improving the quality of life for local communities and society as a whole.

Social policy and practice
Thaicom adheres to a policy that strictly respecting human rights and believes that all human beings have equal rights by birth. Our human resource management must be obtained Equality in practice and entitled benefits under labor law. The Company also promotes the development of employees in accordance with company business strategy as well as supporting employees for good quality of life and well being in health and safety. Especially in unusual circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it can affect the entire organization. For society, the Company has still kept its intention to create opportunities for people to access information, communication and technology thoroughly in all circumstances. Furthermore, the company also strive to promote equal opportunities and quality in education, especially those in remote areas. At the same time the Company promotes creating shared value between business and society by continuing to support learning for the careers of students and the community. It will create opportunities for a good quality of life and a stable economy in their own community sustainably.
Respect for Human Rights Principles
Thaicom supports and respects the protection of human rights by ensuring that its business is not involved in human rights violation. In addition, the Company also respects and treats all stakeholders fairly based on human dignity without discrimination, such as discrimination of birthplace, race, skin color, age, gender, etc. The Company has established the Policy on Respect of Law and Principles of Human Rights. Thus, the employees of the Company must understand the laws relating to their duties and responsibilities thoroughly and strictly comply with. Since the Company operates business in many countries where have different culture, it is important for employees working in those countries to carefully study the law, custom, tradition and culture of that country in order to avoid the violation of such human rights laws.
In addition, Thaicom has issued “Supplier Charter” as a principle for the selection and evaluation of our business partners to meet the expectations and guidelines in doing business with the company, especially on the issue of “Human rights and labor principles”. The Supplier Charter covers many important matters such as fair treatment of workers and labor, non-discrimination, appropriate working hours, compensation, and benefits, having the right to freedom of association according to the law, no child labor Including not forced labor. The Company uses the Supplier Charter to communicate with partners to understand our business practices for achieving the Company’s sustainable development goals.
At Thaicom, we are committed to human rights. The respect of human rights is an integral part of our responsibility as an Asian satellite provider.
We add value to society in our markets in Asia, Oceania and Africa through our connectivity services and solutions, responsible business practices, mutually beneficial partnerships, and engagement in local communities.
We ensure respect for human rights in all our activities. Human rights form the key element of the Thaicom way of conducting our business—now and into the future.
Human Rights in Practice
At Thaicom, we support and respect human rights by ensuring that the company is not associated with any form of human rights abuse by acting in a just manner, and not prejudicing against anyone, regardless of their place of birth, nationality, skin color, age or gender. We recognize that everyone has fundamental human rights and freedoms, no matter where they are in the world, offline or online, in this digital era, so we understand how vital it is to protect the privacy of our customers and the personal data of our stakeholders. Thaicom carefully observes local laws and norms, while ensuring that our operations abide by internationally recognized standards of practice. Our staff must display an awareness of how their job can comply with human rights, showing a strict level of individual responsibility when doing so.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
We strive to create shared value in society and help when help is needed. Corporate Social Responsibility is at the heart of Thaicom’s corporate citizenship. Our voluntary commitment is aimed at building the capacity needed so that more people can make a sustainable living by access to education and technology. We are also there when disaster strikes, providing humanitarian aid after natural disasters through financial aid and technical support.
Access to education
We aim to provide comprehensive and wide-ranging access to education for those just entering the education system, as well as those who further their education throughout their adult lives, supporting that education and increasing opportunities to access communication technologies.
For example, Thaicom has installed satellite dishes and various other related equipment in education institutes in Thailand. We provide long distance learning to enable young people access to high levels of education. Such projects encourage lifelong learning while providing a route into a career.
Community development
We play our part in community development and providing sustainable solutions to community issues through our business model consisting of initiatives aimed at stimulating community investing. We are committed to raising the level of education and have implemented initiatives aimed at spreading knowledge via satellite communications in order to ensure sustainable development in rural communities.
Thaicom volunteers
“Volunteer engagement for sustainability”
Our volunteer program aims to engage Thaicom staff members in local community projects. As responsible citizens, we have embarked on numerous community projects which require the specific skills and capabilities our staff can bring to the table for the benefit of society as a whole, be that in terms of the economy, society or the environment.
We continuously develop the quality of our employee base through lifelong learning principles because we understand that high quality employees are crucial to enabling sustainable business growth and development. At the same time, we ensure equal opportunities for all employees, and a diverse, healthy and safe work environment. We are also aware of the need to provide equal opportunities, being careful not to prejudice against anyone based on their gender, race or religion.
Health and Safety
Employee health and occupational safety play an important role in protecting our employees and assets which ultimately contribute to Thaicom’s competitiveness. To this end, we develop programs and business processes that focus on safety management as an integral part of our corporate governance, our internal controls, and our risk management.
Creating a satisfying work environment that helps employees stay healthy and happy is something which we never overlook due to its importance in terms of improving efficiency and sustainability. Thus, Thaicom regularly organizes activities to promote good health among its employee base, as well as various Thaicom clubs, including a cycling club, running club, badminton club, football club and yoga club.
Our occupational safety in practice
Our health, safety and environmental committee consists of managers and staff who are devoted to putting plans in place to prevent accidents. These measures are regularly reviewed to ensure operations are conducted in a safe and lawful manner, including carrying out risk assessments to regulate and protect our employees. These risk assessments include regular screening of equipment and tools to ensure that they are both safe and ready to use. Moreover, we have numerous communication channels available, alongside regular training and emergency safety drills, so our employees are aware of what to do if a dangerous situation should arise in the work place.
Employee engagement
Another vital aspect of ensuring that we achieve our business objectives is the way in which we engage our employees. We build mutual trust and inspire our employees, so that they want to come to work each day, feeling like they are capable of achieving their personal and career goals for a sustainable future. We believe it is important to give our employees a voice. We listen. And so we carry out regular employee engagement surveys to ensure that our employees know that their opinions are being heard.
Employee development
At Thaicom, we understand that human resources are our most valuable asset for a sustainable future. Thaicom is a company based on knowledge and life-long learning principles. We are committed to raising employee engagement and improving understanding among our diverse employees. We think it is important that our employees learn new skills every day and realize their professional potential. Every day ur employees learn new skills that can help nurture the next generation of company leaders.